
undefined Bruno Unušić
Nachname Unušić
Vorname Bruno
Künstlername Una
Geburtsdatum 09.02.2002
Jahrgang 2002
Grösse 0
Nationalität Kroatien
Position Abwehr,Mittelfeld,Rechte Außenbahn,Linker Verteidiger
Verein HNK Hajduk Split
A-Nationalspieler nein
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Zugriffe 19886
Bruno Unušić

Spieler bewerten:

88 ratings ø 3.41

Info: Playing football since 4 year old. Startinig in small private club Spinut. Since 7 years till now always in first tim as right defender for Hajduk-Split sometimes as right fwd and left defender .Playing well with both legs. With Hajduk 2002 and Spinut wining many international and home tournaments. In year 2012 wining with Hajduk Split both local liga kids born 2001 and 2002 same year win the Alpas tornament .In year 2015 chosen in national team but unlacky day after gool keeper crack his left stady leg 6 month later back on the field impruving in every aspect with additiona training and separate coach plus trening i club.This year 2016 pronounced as best player on Fazana tournament where Hajduk 2002 win the tournament biting Red Star from Belgrade 2-0. The best performance :fast with ball Wery good in control on the feeld.Beautifull center shots from the right wing ,kicking the ball with both legs .The most important he never give up . (Fremdangabe)

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