
undefined Jacobo Arteaga Burciaga
Surname Arteaga Burciaga
First name Jacobo
Pseudonym Jake Artega
생년월일 02.02.2000
Age-group 2000
Size 188
Nationality United States
Position 수비수,미드필더
Club Los Angeles Futbol Club
A-National player no
홈페이지 -
조회수 7708

April 2015: Jake Arteaga steht in der U 15 der USA (United States of America national under 15 soccer team).

Dezember 2015: Jake Arteaga ist U17-Nationalspieler für die USA (International SUB 17 for the United States of America).

Mai 2018; Jake Arteaga steht in der U 19 der USA (United States of America national under 19 soccer team).

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