
undefined Michael Tidser
Nachname Tidser
Vorname Michael
Künstlername -
Geburtsdatum 15.01.1990
Jahrgang 1990
Grösse 183
Nationalität Schottland
Position Mittelfeld,Zentrales Mittelfeld
Verein Rotherham United F.C.
A-Nationalspieler nein
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Zugriffe 16622
Michael Tidser

Spieler bewerten:
68 ratings ø 2.06

19.06.08: Michael Tidser ist U-19 Nationalspieler für Schottland.

Very tricky and quick with his feet. Michaels dribbling and the ability to take on 5-6 players with ease and turn nothing in something was quickly picked up by Celtic since the ages of 11. Allways a maturer player for his age, thinking two steps ahead at everysituation, Michael handled the pressure of Celtic and quickly went through the ranks. He was called up to the National squad at both u17 and u19 level and went on to captain Celtics u19s. He now plays his football in Sweden, with Ostersunds FK. (Fremdangabe)

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