
undefined Samuel Laryea
Nachname Laryea
Vorname Samuel
Künstlername -
Geburtsdatum 14.07.1987
Jahrgang 1987
Grösse 0
Nationalität Ghana
Position Abwehr
Verein Photizo Afienya
A-Nationalspieler nein
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Zugriffe 15579
Samuel Laryea

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17 ratings ø 0

Info: A complete technical player with pace, good combination of both legs effectively, skilful, agile, extrovert, fast, inspired, magical. His greatest assets are speed and boundless technical skills and with the ball at his feet he moves well anywhere in the defence. His outstanding ability enables him to defend from the most unlikely situations. Indeed, his reserves of tricks and defending skills seem to be inexhaustible. His combinations with the rest of his team mates in defence increase the team's defending potential enormously. He is also an outstanding practitioner of the free kick, with the ability to curve the ball around the defensive wall and place the ball in any part of the goal beyond the keeper's reach. He is always calm under pressure and causes plenty of problems with his surging run into opponent?s area. A fierce competitor and tireless worker with limitless repertoire of shimmies step over and assorted tricks, bewildering close control and excellent shot, a real workaholic-versatile player & also good in the air. (Fremdeingabe)

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