
undefined Artūrs Biders
Surname Biders
First name Artūrs
Pseudonym Arch Biders
생년월일 15.01.1998
Age-group 1998
Size 183
Nationality Latvia
Position 미드필더,Left defensive midfielder
Club JFC Skonto Akadēmija
A-National player no
홈페이지 -
조회수 16520
Artūrs Biders

속도 선수:

186 ratings ø 2.98

Info: (born 15 January,1998) heigth: 183 cm weight: 65 kg Nationality: Latvian Position: Center Midfielder JFC ”Skonto”. Coach Alexey Sharando. Debut U-16 Youth National Team Latvia U-16 in 27.03.2013 vs Azerbaijan 1:1. Coach Igor Stepanov. Good tackler, can play the ball out of defence and also like to get forward. Strengths are dribbling and fast reaction. Team playmaker. Young player who is willing to learn every minute and has the right attitude to do so in order to progress and eventually become a footballer at the highest level can possibly reach.

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